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contoh kalimat agen smith

"agen smith" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • I'm Agent Smith... of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
    Aku Agen Smith... dari Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A. Amerika)
  • How can we be of help, Agent Smith?
    Bagaimana kami bisa menolong, Agen Smith?
  • I'm Agent Parsons, this is Agent Smith.
    Aku agen Parsons, ini Agen Smith.
  • Uh, why are we here, Agent Smith?
    Uh, kenapa kami disini, Agen Smith?
  • No, he's all yours, Agent Smith.
    Tidak, dia milikmu, Agen Smith.
  • This is my partner and twin brother. Special Agent Smith 2.
    Dia adalah rekan saya dan saudara kembar Khusus Agen Smith 2.
  • Agent Smith, it's Teresa Lisbon.
    Agen Smith, ini Teresa Lisbon.
  • Agent Smith is a member also
    Agen Smith juga anggotanya
  • Thank you, Agent Smith.
    Terima kasih, Agen Smith.
  • Look, Agent Smith, I tried the hero business and it left a mark.
    Dengar Agen Smith, aku sudah coba bisnis pahlawan dan itu membuatku punya banyak bekas luka.
  • The final fight between Sing (who has been reborn into "the one", which pays homage to Bruce Lee by wearing his costume in Enter the Dragon and using his fighting style) and the hundreds of gangsters imitates the fight between Neo and hundreds of Agent Smiths in The Matrix Reloaded.
    Pertarungan terakhir antara Sing (yang terlahir kembali menjadi "sosok" yang meniru Bruce Lee yang mengenakan kostumnya dalam film Enter the Dragon dan menggunakan gaya bertarungnya) dan ratusan gangster meniru pertarungan antara Neo dan ratusan Agen Smith dalam The Matrix Reloaded.